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Title V was passed. This means they can operate. Tester is at Moore Elem. right now and then another will be put at Winstead. Obviously testers are far from the actual source and the effected homes, so they are basically just going through motions. TDEC stated it plans to get to the root of the problem with Superior. We will see.
Another tester is now in Sullivan Farms.

Our pediatrician and toxocologists at Vanderbilt have both confirmed that ANY amount of phenol will cause at the minimum, lung irritation (coughing). This can only be remediated by complete stop of the smell. This is a fact from Vanderbilt Toxocologist.

Dec 16, 2009

Need Depositions on Superior Essex effects!!

I am going to be meeting with our state senator Jack Johnson and need to gather as many depositions as possible to make my case stronger. If you feel as though you want to let him know how it has effected your quality of life than please participate. This is for anyone no matter where you live in Franklin...if it has effected you please write.

Please send me a deposition that includes the following:

- Name
- Effects
- What you would like to see done
- Reprocussions if it is not fixed

All of these are optional of course and they are just suggestions but I am trying to make as much "noise" as possible so the stronger case we have and the more people get on board the better the result.

When you are done please send the deposition to:

I will be gathering them up and bringing them with me to my meeting (hasn't been scheduled yet but will post when I get a date).

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