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Title V was passed. This means they can operate. Tester is at Moore Elem. right now and then another will be put at Winstead. Obviously testers are far from the actual source and the effected homes, so they are basically just going through motions. TDEC stated it plans to get to the root of the problem with Superior. We will see.
Another tester is now in Sullivan Farms.

Our pediatrician and toxocologists at Vanderbilt have both confirmed that ANY amount of phenol will cause at the minimum, lung irritation (coughing). This can only be remediated by complete stop of the smell. This is a fact from Vanderbilt Toxocologist.

Jan 5, 2010

Need to step up the pressure

We all need to step up the pressure on the city of Franklin.  I was specifically told by the code enforcement agent that "TDEC is handling" which is not the case at all.  TDEC officially states that they do not enforce odor nuisance and it is in the jurisdiction of the City and specifically the City Attorney to do something about it.  We need to put pressure on the City to do something about this or I dont see anything but litigation coming out of this situation.

Please go to the City of Franklin website and submit a request every single time you smell the odor:

Here is an example of what I write within the body of the service request.

"I want to report an odor nuisance under the Chapter 1, Section 13-102 and Chapter 1 Section 13-106 of City of Franklin code. Odor Nuisance within Sullivan Farms Subdivision coming from Superior Essex. Very strong phenolic odor at the moment and I am unable to go outside. TDEC is not handling the odor issue this is specificially a city issue."

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